July 2010
11:37 AM
July has come and gone, not a lot of Dr stuff this month. Met with ENT, said it looks good and on schedule for full recovery. Met with Kidney Dr and had ultrasound, no bad news to date. I am taking time to get Ellen back to see Drs. so we can get her health back on schedule. I'm down to 230, blood pressure lower, still no sense of taste, mouth always dry, and neuropathy in finger tips and feet bottoms. All should be better within 1-2 years, if it gets better. August is final scans and meet with Chemo Dr to get clean bill of health hopefully. Trying to stay active and moving. as I'm still weak and tire easily. Can eat soft food, no spicy foods, Spagettos is too spicy. No pizza, to hard and spicy, no donuts or bread or chip, too dry and tastes bad. Ensure is still my friend, but not cheap. Fiscally we are losing ground, but still have reserves without tapping into important money. Have met people recently who didn't recognize me due to weight loss. down 12+ sizes from start of treatment.
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