week of June 13th 2010
6:41 PM
Do to hitting my head on the street when falling over on stationary motorcycle(91 DR 650S), over last weekend and wife and neighbor getting me to check with my Dr., no problem with head but due to constant cold feeling, Dr. requested blood test for thyroid. next day got call from Dr saying to start thyroid medicine due to low level, but on plus side my creatinine levels which have been 3.0 2 weeks before are down to 2.3, still to high, but getting better. Chemo Dr is sending me to a Kidney Dr to check it out. Most likely due to Chemo Treatment, which is why they hydrated me so much during treatment and after. When my blood pressure started going high(160-190 over 90-110), Chemo sent me to my Dr and he requested I back off Hydration every day. Blood pressure came down to as low as 108 over 60 and my Dr backed down on my blood pressure meds. NowI don't get Hydration and more, BP is ok< and still losing weight. Side effect of low thyroid levels is weight gain. Not likely with as little as I eat.
August 11, 2011 at 8:38 PM
It feels so good to switch my thyroid supplements from thyroxine to porcine capsules . I'll bet there are many individuals who just don't know this alternative exists, when it might be the most effective thyroid supplement for them.